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Real Estate News
Straightforward Gains After Important Inflation Data
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:04:06 GMT

Straightforward Gains After Important Inflation Data While today's monthly core PCE headline may have technically been higher than the median forecast, a vast majority of forecasters abstained from submittin..[read more]

Inflation Data Continues Paving The Way For (Eventual) Rate Cuts
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:37:00 GMT

This week's most important economic data was the PCE price index which is the gold standard of big picture inflation measurement. For those hoping to see rates drop, it was important for PCE to confirm the progress seen in the CPI data (the other maj..[read more]

DPA, Virtual Assistant, Non-QM products; Events, Training, and Webinars
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:00:44 GMT

The only thing constant is change. After 53 years, Southwest Airlines is ending its 100 percent open seating policy! (I don't mind lining up.) People and companies have to adjust' Time waits for no one. What were concerts like in 1964, 60 years ago? ..[read more]

Bonds Rallying Despite Higher Core PCE
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:58:26 GMT

After yesterday's quarter over quarter core PCE price index came in 0.2% higher than expected, we knew today's monthly PCE data would have to include higher numbers divided across the months of April, May, and June in some unknown proportion.&nb..[read more]

Lots of Competing Motivations Causing Volatility In a Narrow Range
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:29:45 GMT

Lots of Competing Motivations Causing Volatility In a Narrow Range Today marked an uptick in the importance of economic data for the week and it had obvious consequences for volatility.  Of particular import..[read more]

Mortgage Rates Inch to Another Short Term High
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 18:52:00 GMT

Mortgage rates continue moving in very small steps from day to day--something that's been the case since the Consumer Price Index (CPI) more than 2 weeks ago.  Unfortunately, more of those steps have been higher in the past week, and today is no..[read more]

Strong Start Despite Data Driven Volatility
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:44:14 GMT

It was easy to question the notion of "data dependence" in the first half of the week, largely because there wasn't much in terms of meaningful economic data.  There were also several instances of mystery movement in bonds, forcing analysts..[read more]

Hedging, VOE, DPA Products; Wholesaler and Program Changes; STRATMOR Ops Workshop
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:38:17 GMT

As lenders continue to deal with change (the latest rumors have Flagstar is selling its mortgage group to Mr. Cooper; rumor only, ask your rep for real information), many people took note when ex-President Trump claimed, during his recent speech, tha..[read more]

Mortgage Rates Move Up To 2 Week Highs After Starting Out Flat
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:35:00 GMT

Mortgage rates technically moved up to the highest levels in 2 weeks today, but that sounds a bit more dramatic than it actually is.  Rates have largely held inside a narrow range close to the lowest levels in 6 months during that time.  To..[read more]

Whatever Happened to Bonds Being Data Dependent?
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:30:30 GMT

Whatever Happened to Bonds Being Data Dependent? Bonds began the day in stronger territory and remained stronger through mid-day despite AM volatility.  Some of the volatility was driven by economic data wit..[read more]

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